5 Strategies to Improve Patient Comprehension: How to Evaluate Patient Understanding
5 Strategies to Improve Patient Comprehension: How to Evaluate Patient Understanding Imagine this: a patient sits in your office, a folder of complex medical information resting on their lap. You have just diagnosed them with a chronic condition, and their mind is racing with questions and concerns. You explain the treatment, their options, risks and benefits. [...]
Electronic Consent Form – Making the Jump from Paper Informed Consent Form
Making the Jump from Paper Informed Consent Forms to an Electronic Consent Form An Overview of the Current Informed Consent Form and Electronic Consent Form Process in Healthcare The concept of informed consent has a relatively short history. If you take USA for example, the case for true patient autonomy only began at the turn of [...]
The Role of eConsent in Alleviating Healthcare Staffing Challenges | 5thPort
The role of eConsent in alleviating healthcare staffing challenges While the pursuit of groundbreaking medical discoveries and innovative treatments continues to thrive, there's an underlying issue that often goes unnoticed - the burden on healthcare staff. Although staffing challenges are rampant in every single industry vertical, healthcare staffing challenges has been hit the hardest. Some reports [...]
Enhanced Risk Management in Decentralized Clinical Trials
Enhanced Risk Management in Decentralized Clinical Trials I’ve been a surgeon for more than 30 years, specializing in maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. A big part of my philosophy is to expect the unexpected. Which is why I cannot stress the importance of risk mitigation enough. The safety of my patients and the safety of my team [...]
The 8 Common ICF Mistakes Found On IRB audits
The 8 Common Informed Consent Form Mistakes on IRB Audits The IRB and its approval process for biomedical research protects the rights and welfare of human participants. In this capacity, the IRB serves an important role in keeping the clinical research community in compliance with laws and regulations, as well as participants educated, informed, and aware of [...]
Long Live Decentralized Trials
Long Live Decentralized Trials Massive disruption from COVID-19 is forcing clinical trials to decentralize and accelerate digital transformation. However, these measures are not just survival tactics. They're leading to a more productive and resilient industry. COVID-19 stopped thousands of trials in 2020 CenterWatch reported in May 2020 that more than 1,100 clinical trials (46% of the [...]