4Feb, 2021

The 8 Common ICF Mistakes Found On IRB audits

The 8 Common Informed Consent Form Mistakes on IRB Audits The IRB and its approval process for biomedical research protects the rights and welfare of human participants. In this capacity, the IRB serves an important role in keeping the clinical research community in compliance with laws and regulations, as well as participants educated, informed, and aware of [...]

17Nov, 2020

Long Live Decentralized Trials

Long Live Decentralized Trials Massive disruption from COVID-19 is forcing clinical trials to decentralize and accelerate digital transformation. However, these measures are not just survival tactics. They're leading to a more productive and resilient industry. COVID-19 stopped thousands of trials in 2020 CenterWatch reported in May 2020 that more than 1,100 clinical trials (46% of the [...]

23Sep, 2020

8 Common Misconceptions About Clinical Trials

8 Common Misconceptions About Clinical Trials Clinical trials are vital to medical advances because they test new and existing health-related interventions, helping us understand whether they are safe and effective in humans when used as intended. It’s one of the most rewarding fields specifically for that reason: it helps find cures and longer the lifespan of [...]

20Aug, 2020

7 Steps to Improve Participant Retention in Clinical Trials

7 Steps to Improve Participant Retention in Clinical Trials Contract Research Organizations (CRO’s) have been forced to rapidly adjust their standard operating procedures in light of the global pandemic. Halted initially as the dust settled, clinical trials have re-started or are in the process of re-starting by incorporating new policies and regulatory requirements. The traditional challenge [...]

8Jun, 2020

Remote eConsent in the COVID-19 Era

Remote eConsent in the COVID-19 Era Although digital informed consent solutions (aka, eConsent software) have been in the marketplace for many years, their adoption has been slow. For the most part, doctors and medical professionals have remained steadfast in their approach to the informed consent process. The traditional process is simple and straightforward enough that it [...]

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