5thPort for Radiation Oncologists

5thPort Patient Education and eConsent Solution is on display again at ASTRO

Check out 5thPort and Meet the team @ Booth #2415.

Radiation Oncologists and their staff spend a lot of time and energy educating their patients and their loved ones. 5thPort for Radiation Oncologists is digital patient education and eConsent solution designed to save you 15-20 minutes per patient consultation.

See the 5thPort workflow below to learn how the platform was designed and operates.

Schedule a one-on-one demo today!

Here’s how 5thPort works:

Step 1 Inform - Better Patient Experience

Step 1: Inform

You select videos and documents tailored to your patient’s needs, covering their diagnosis, treatment options, risks, and what to expect.

Your patient arrives at the consultation well-prepared and confident.

Step 2: Confirm

After your patient has reviewed the materials, 5thPort helps you confirm their understanding.

The platform engages your patient in a “teach-back” process, where they explain what they’ve learned, and allowing you to address any gaps before moving forward.

Step 3 Consent - Better Patient Experience

Step 3: Consent

Instead of rushing through piles of paperwork, the platform guides your patient through a digitally documented and meaningful consent process.

You can be confident that your patient understands every aspect of their treatment plan, making their consent truly informed and legally sound.

Step 4 Automate - Better Patient Experience

Step 4: Automate

As your patient completes the required forms, 5thPort automates the digitization process – eliminating the need for manual paperwork.

This automation streamlines your workflow, reduces administrative burdens, and minimizes the risk of errors, allowing you to focus more on patient care.

Step 5 Analyze - Better Patient Experience

Step 5: Analyze

Finally, 5thPort continues to support you by analyzing the engagement assets used during your patient’s journey. The platform assesses what worked well and identifies areas for improvement.

This ongoing analysis helps you refine your approach, ensuring that future patients benefit from even more effective and personalized care.

Save 15-20 minutes per consult.
Without the incremental effort.

A mid-Atlantic health system piloted the 5thPort patient education software in their radiation oncology department, specifically to improve patient education, engagement and the teach back method.

Utilizing 5thPort achieved the following results:

  1. Saved providers 15-20 minutes per consult
  2. Improved patient satisfaction, and engagement
  3. Reduced patient stress on the day of their appointment
  4. Empowered patients to actively participate in their health
  5. Had a positive impact on nurse burnout
Doctor engaging with a patient

See 5thPort firsthand, meet the team, and have some fun playing the 5thPort Memory Game!

5thPort’s leadership team will be at the booth, so bring your questions over to them!

This is the perfect opportunity to discuss your specific clinical needs (and win a $500 Amazon Gift Card!).


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Learn More about 5thPort’s Patient Education Solution