5thPort: THE Patient Education and Engagement Software for your Oncology Nurse Practitioner Team

Ease Burnout for your Oncology Nurse Practitioner Team with Smarter Patient Education.

Oncology nurse practitioner burnout is a growing concern, especially when balancing high patient volumes with the need to provide quality care and education.

Studies highlight the scale of the issue. In 2022, over one-third of oncology nurse practitioners reported being “emotionally exhausted.” Meanwhile, another study cited by ASCO found that nearly 45% of them experience “burnout syndrome.”

5thPort helps alleviate this burden by streamlining repetitive educational and administrative tasks. While using 5thPort, oncology nurse practitioners have reported:

  • Significantly shorter and more focused conversations with patients, and
  • Fewer call backs during and after office hours
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Hear from Ada, our AI avatar, as she shares how 5thPort tackles nurse burnout. 

Repetitively Educating Patients Taking a Toll on your Oncology Nurse Practitioner Team?

As an oncology nurse practitioner, if you’re spending too much time repetitively educating patients – you’re not alone. The reality is stark: most medical information shared with patients is forgotten almost immediately, and of what they do recall, nearly half is incorrect. Studies highlight that 96% of nurses lack tools needed for patient engagement and education. This has led to 88% of nurses reporting that at least half their time with patients is focused on patient education and correcting medical misinformation.

5thPort addresses this need by:

  • Using multimedia content to prescriptively educate your patients at home BEFORE their consult in your patient’s language of choice
  • Confirming their understanding of the material through a digital teach back style activity
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Do your Patients Remember What You Tell them?

Research has consistently shown that educating patients in the office is ineffective because they immediately forget most of what you tell them. In fact, anywhere from 40-80% of all medical information patients get during their consultation is immediately forgotten. And 50% of what they DO remember, is actually incorrect. This can be incredibly frustrating. 

With 5thPort, this issue is addressed by:

  • Provide engaging, multimedia patient education accessible BEFORE the consult, on any device.
  • Offering personalized content to ensure patients understand information specific to their treatment.
  • Tracking patient engagement and retention to analyze what engagement assets are working, and which need to be replaced.
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